Your coffee helped these people
Our church, in line with Jesus mission, seeks to help the disadvantaged.
We do this in Burkina Faso, Johannesburg and Malawi.
In particular the coffee shop seeks to support the Malawian project by providing clean water in villages.
A borehole costs around £6,000 and transforms a village of typically 2,000 – 4,000 people. A borehole lasts at least 25 years and needs only occasional repair of the mechanical pump. That cost works out to 8p for a year’s clean water for someone. It saves lives, blindness and disease and gives time to work and to be around family to that person.
Pools get contaminated by animals, people stirring up the water etc and the water contains disease. There is not enough firewood to be able to boil all the water, though they are encouraged to do so. In the dry season the pools dry up and they are faced with walking several kilometres to get water from a stream. This limits the amount of water they can carry and uses up a lot of time. The streams become contaminated from wider use including washing.
The rivers are very few and while they have plentiful water, they contain a parasite that causes river blindness. Many people who live near the rivers go blind.
The solution is to drill boreholes. Water can be found typically 50-60m below the ground surface. A borehole can be fitted with a lever to pump up the water. It seals the top of the borehole pipe and prevents any contamination.